Career Advice
Where to Start?
The simple answer is to take some construction-related courses at school or college, and find a job with a construction company. If you are seriously interested in a particular trade, take a look at your apprenticeship options. The majority of your construction skills are learned on the job, working with skilled tradespeople and supervisors – and you get paid while you learn!
In this section, you will learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to searching for your first job in construction.
Know Your Skills
Before you start your job search, you need to know what skills you possess and how they match with the skills required to perform potential jobs.
Check out these pages to learn more about your current skills and any skills that you might need to develop to create a career in construction:
Do Your Research
Now that you know your skill set, you’re ready to do some research on construction companies where you can showcase your skills.
Let’s learn how to…
Get the Job
Now that you have completed your research, you are ready to apply for jobs. Review the tips below to help you ace the interview and hopefully get that job offer.
Keep the Job
Congratulations on your new job!
Getting the job is the first step to a career in construction, next you will have to work towards keeping your job and growing your skills and yourself to develop a career love!
Visit these pages to learn more.