Keep the Job
Learn the Workplace - CEW
This next resource, Learn the Workplace, was developed for newcomers to Canada, but we believe that this information is applicable to anyone who is new to the workplace! (Thank you CEW)
This interactive website contains valuable information in various e-formats – games, videos, audio clips, comic strips, and choose your adventure.
Remember, the goal is to click on the topic you need to improve your chances of keeping your job and growing in the company!
The table below shows each website topic and its sub-topics.
Workplace Expectations
- Building Relationships
- Greeting
- Reporting
- Organizational Systems
- Leadership Styles
Skills & Abilities
- Taking Imitative
- Qualities
- Values
- Interviews
Finding Supports
- Unwritten Rules
- Mentors
- The Right Job in the Right Work Environment
Working with Others
- Recognizing Difference
- Team Approaches
- Effective Teams
Example Activity:
Building Relationships
Example Activity:
Taking Initiative
Example Activity:
Unwritten Rules
Example Activity:
Team Approaches
Example Activity:
Example Activity:
Example Activity:
Right Work Environment
Example Activity:
Effective Teams